Archive for January, 2010

Garden Your Way to Health and Fitness

You don’t need to drive to the gym to get a good workout. You can just step into your front yard and do a little landscaping. Machines have made life easier when it comes to landscaping but you can lead a healthier life if you give the machines a break occasionally. There are many ways that homeowners can shape up their yards and themselves at the same time, it’s not hard too

Activities to Garden your way to Health and Fitness.

Raking is one of the best exercises that a homeowner can do while taking care of his or her landscape. There are many devices on the market today that will blow, vacuum, and mulch leaves. These machines definitely make the tedious job of raking leaves a lot easier. However, if you want to get in shape, then you cannot take the easy path.

Raking is a good workout for your upper body and core muscles. As the arms are raking, the core muscles in the stomach and back are working to stabilize the body. It is estimated that a person can burn about 150 calories when raking leaves for 30 minutes.

Another great workout is mowing the lawn. Of course, sitting on your shiny, new riding lawn mower and doing laps around the yard is not going to give you much of a burn. However, pushing a mower can truly be a great form of exercise. Just don’t cheat and use the self-propelled variety.

Pushing a hand mower gives both your upper and lower body a workout. Both your arms and legs are working together to propel the mower forward. In fact, according to calories, a 150-pound person can burn about 408 calories per hour pushing a hand mower. If you have a lot of uphill mowing, then it can be even more than that.

Trimming trees or shrubs can also give a homeowner a good workout. Using an electric trimmer can be fun but you can burn many more calories using a good pair of hand trimmers. Using hand trimmers is also good for building up muscle strength in the upper body.

Fitness Mower

Fitness Mower

Other ways to get some exercise in while landscaping include using a shovel, using a wheelbarrow, or simply bending over to pull some weeds. As with any workout, it is important for homeowners to do some stretching before beginning landscaping. Stretching can help prevent pulled muscles or muscle soreness the next day.

It is also very important for anyone who is performing landscaping duties to drink plenty of water. Raking leaves or pushing a lawn mower in the hot sun can easily cause a person to become dehydrated. Remember, grass and flowers are not the only things that need to be watered while landscaping.

Landscaping is something that has to be done anyway, so you might as well get some exercise in while doing it. Cutting grass and trimming trees can help you cut calories and trim your waistline. In addition, it can be a great way for the whole family to get outside and get a workout in together.

Yes we know it’s not an electric lawnmower but seriously there are some very good manual lawnmowers about nowadays. If time or money is a consideration on keeping fit, mowing your lawn frequently with a push mower makes so much sense. You’ll save lots of money on gym memberships, keep your garden looking good and what’s more it’s by far the most green method of mowing your lawn.

1 comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - January 16, 2010 at 3:20 pm

Categories: Garden Fitness   Tags:

Healthy Food For The Kids

One of the best ways to lose weight is by enjoining the support and encouragement of your family to be involved or to join in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Kids naturally have a sweet tooth, and they will always choose a pancakes and eggs over an oatmeal breakfast. It is important that kids must be taught to eat healthy. The Department of Education has regulated the school canteens of public schools to over meals and food that have high nutritional value, rather than selling burgers, fries and chips. Among kids, the incidence of obesity is also prevalent, making them vulnerable to be picked on or bullied by their peers for their weight.

Cooking with your kids is not only an opportunity to teach them how to become independent, but it also allows them to take control over the food they eat. The great thing about teaching cooking skills is that it involves learning many things – from chemistry, to culture and geography. Kids become knowledgeable about a variety of foods and flavor, about presenting dishes, and on becoming a sophisticated and nutritious eater. Best of all, teaching your kids how to cook can be a great bonding activity for the whole family.

The first things kids should remember about eating healthy is reduce, replace or eliminate fats, sodium and sweets in their diet or cooking recipes. For example, reduce calories by reducing salt content and replacing them with herbs and spices that also add flavor to the food. Replace full cream milk with low-fat dairy products such as yoghurt and cottage cheese. Eliminate or reduce salad dressings, seasonings and condiments into your dinner meals. When frying, replace standard cooking oil with canola oil or olive oil. Both canola and olive oil have one of the lowest fat content and helps protect your heart and arteries from possible cholesterol build up.

When cooking healthy meals with kids, it is best not to use the frying method, since this always entails using cooking oil. Instead, bake, grill, boil or steam your food. These cooking methods require using fresh food retains the food’s nutritional value and does not require adding up on sweets or sodium to give it flavor. When mixing ingredients with a Bosch mixer, replace ingredients such as sugar or oil with lemon or orange extracts and with buttermilk. Always include fruits in your diet and whole wheat grains. Baking using the Bosch bread mixer, makes it easier to combine all the thick, but healthy ingredients.

For Tricia, the home is the best place to be.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - January 15, 2010 at 5:25 pm

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Lawn Care Equipments Selection Guide – Riding Lawnmower

You probably know what it feels like – pushing your conventional push mower our lawn is larger than .25 acres! For those with larger lawns, they should seriously consider purchasing a reactor-type lawnmower. It is relatively easy to operate and can cover medium to large lawns far quicker than the conventional push lawnmowers.

There are electric models for your lawn mower as well as the standard push mowers that everybody has seen. With powerful batteries, such designs can last for half an acre before it runs out of power and needs to be re-energized. These electric models are really quiet, good for the environment and don’t produce any noxious fumes. They lack the horsepower of the gasoline operated models and might run the hassle of being trapped in bushier places.

If you are a professional lawn care specialist, you might want to look into models that have reel blades that cut out in front. The rotary type is good if there isn’t a golf link to mow. The mowing blades are usually found below the deck below the seat and can give you some vibration. A good seat with plenty of cushion, however, won’t bother you.

You can find smaller riding mowers that will work with your lawn as well. The designs are basically the same as the bigger ones. The capacity and the size of the machine will be the main difference. You will always want more horsepower with your mower, but if you have a well-built machine, it won’t need as much horsepower to do a great job.

You do not really need much horsepower if your yard is flat and even. If you have a very hilly area, however, you will need a lot more. If you have a lot of hills, a lawn tractor will be your better choice.

A lawn tractor will have 10-15 horsepower and can work well. Considering that a car has 150 ‘ 300 horsepower, it seems that it’s a lot less energy, but you don’t need that much. You will pay more for more horsepower, just like with a car. Make sure you really need it first.

Prices will go up if you have a mower that can cut a bigger area. Lawn tractor blades usually cut between 38 ‘ 42 inches and can cut the lawn quicker. But you will probably be only able to cut your lawn 10% more quickly and the mower might be a lot more inaccurate.

You can get a garden tractor with 20 horsepower and up to 60″ mowing blades for a powerful, efficient machine. If you need to haul dirt or tree parts with an attached trailer, you can use this more efficiently.

You will want to look at the turning radius of the mower you are about to buy too. If you have a very low or even zero degree turning radius, it will cost a lot more. If you don’t have a lawn that is difficult to negotiate, you probably won’t need it.

Moses Wright loves to take care of his home lawn whenever possible. He sets up a site to provide fellow lawn care home owners with more resources on Lawn Garden Equipments and Lawn Garden Landscaping Gloves Tools.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 5:25 pm

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Automatic Lawn Mower

The automatic lawn mower saves you time and effort. Unlike other lawn mowers, mows the lawn for you. No hassle as with electric lawn mowers or push lawn mowers. These Automatic lawn movers requires a one time simple set-up, which can be easily done by anyone. A wire is laid around the outer edges of the lawn, and attached to the surface of the lawn with pegs every few meters.

The wire and pegs are supplied with the lawn mover. The wire is connected to a small battery powered current source called Perimeter Switch (also supplied in the box). Typically the wire will be covered by grass and become unnoticeable in a matter of 2-3 weeks. The automatic lawn mower recognizes the wire using a special sensor, and makes sure it always stays inside the designated area. If the lawn mower is equipped with a Charging Station, it’s even easier! After completing the one-time set-up of wire around the lawn including the Charging Station, set the weekly program and forget about mowing for the entire season! The automatic lawn mower will automatically depart at the day and time scheduled and automatically return to the Charging Station to recharge and get ready for the next scheduled operation.

The weekly program can be re-set at any time, if and when required. Almost all the automatic lawn mower use the mulching system: the grass is cut into very small clippings that are buried in the roots of the lawn, where they decompose and act like a natural fertilizer. This results in a healthier and better-looking lawn, and eliminates the need to collect and remove the clippings.

Use this lawn mower is the most convenient way to maintain your lawn. You can cut the lawn anytime without disturbing your neighbors, you don’t need to collect the clippings, with this automatic lawn mower you have a lot of free time: no more spending your weekends mowing the lawn, spend your free time with the family and do the things you really like to do.

Lorenzo Eller is the owner of an internet site that sells products for the house and the garden. The site also sells…. lawn mowers. have a look at the following,110,195

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The Safety Tips In Cooking

Picture this: A what seemed happy and ordinary dinner evening ruined because a fire erupted from your kitchen or from one of your bedrooms. Properties damaged and burned down. Worse even are lives of your loved ones lost.

According to government data, fire is the leading cause of death among natural disasters combined. And with these numbers of victims, 84% of them were killed in a fire from their own residences. Among the causes of fire listed by the Fire Safety Bureau are misuse of electrical appliances, wiring problems, blocked cooling vent, improperly-extinguished tobacco, lit candles that are left unattended, house clutters, especially clothes on gas dryer and blockage of fire exit. And the fire hazard that ranked first is unattended cooking. The Jackson Fire Safety Bureau identified all these hazards that are said to be evident not just locally, but across the nation as well.

In line with fire safety promotion, the Jackson Bureau of Fire Safety Fire Districts 1 and 3 offers free cooking fire safety. And in addition to their advocacy in fire safety, the said bureaus are also offering free battery operated smoke detectors to Jackson residents. Fire OfficialFrank Mc Donnell said that if you do not have smoke detectors in your home or the smoke detectors that you own is more than 10 years old, contact them at 732-928-1666, ext.14. You can also reach them by sending them an email at

Here is the list of the pieces of advice that the Jackson Fire Safety Bureau wants to share with the public. First is to fire-proof your home. This means that check all electrical wirings for wear and tear. Contact a duly certified electrician for repair needs. Install a smoke-detector. Make sure that your smoke detectors is working and in good condition. Next is to use electrical appliances properly. Do not plug several appliances in one socket as it can cause an electrical overload. Next is to de-clutter your home. As clutters like clothes and candles lying around can cause or start a fire.

And their safety tips in cooking? A firefighter’s advice is to be alert! While cooking, see to it that you are not multitasking with distracting activities like being on a computer, watching TV and talking on the phone. It is also best not to cook if you are drowsy, under medication or tired because your condition may contribute to a fire in your homes. Also, train your children to not to play inside the kitchen.

Incidentally, use appliances that are of good quality. Check out a Bosch mixer sale and get a Bosch universal mixer for your cooking needs.

For Tricia, the home is the best place to be.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 4:28 pm

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The Battle of the Lawns – the Sod Strategy

If you’re tired of being jealous of your neighbors’ lush, green lawns, then perhaps sod is the answer for you. Sod has many advantages to putting down grass seed and it is easier to put down than you might think. By learning about sod and following certain tips, you can have a new, beautiful lawn in a short amount of time.

Some of the advantages of installing sod include the fact that it is almost weed free, it will not wash away if installed properly, and it looks good immediately. Laying down sod can be fun as well. It is much like putting together the pieces of a puzzle. However, before beginning the puzzle, there are some important steps that must be taken.

First, it is important to figure out how much sod you will need, where you will get it, and how much it will cost. It would be a shame to sod half of your lawn and then realize that you have not budgeted for the rest of it.

Before laying the sod, you must remove the old lawn, weeds, and rocks. It is important to start with a clean slate. The ground must also be level and tilled before installing the sod. A starter fertilizer should then be spread on the ground. The type of fertilizer used often depends on the type of climate. It is also recommended to us a soil conditioner at this point. Your sod supplier should have the most accurate information on which fertilizer and soil conditioner to use.

When laying the sod, it is important start on the outside edges of the lawn first. It is recommended that a border is created around the yard. This ensures that the lawn boundaries are straight. In addition, the sod on the edges has the greatest tendency to dry out. By putting full strips of sod on the edges, you can decrease the chances that they will dry out. It is best to wind up with any trimmed pieces of sod toward the middle of your lawn.

When laying the sod is complete, a roller should be used to eliminate air pockets and promote contact with the soil. The sod should then begin the process of taking root. If you don’t have access to a roller, it can typically be rented at a local rental center.

Once the sod is down, watering it is vitally important. The sod should be watered daily and deeply for the first two weeks unless it is raining. After that, you can stretch out the time between watering and allow the sod’s roots to grow toward the moisture in the soil. Avoid cutting the lawn until the roots have been established. This usually takes about two weeks.

Laying sod takes a little work and a little know-how but it is worth it. Sod provides a homeowner with the immediate gratification of seeing the fruits of his or her labor. Before long your neighbors will be the ones green with envy of your new lawn.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - January 13, 2010 at 10:16 pm

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Are You Hungry? It€™s World Food Day

Poverty and hunger go hand-in-hand. And recent report from the Food and Agriculture Organization show results that there are more than 1 billion people around the world who suffer from hunger everyday. Not only as this report is alarming but also disheartening to think that while some of us waste food on the table, a huge number of people have nothing on their plate.

And today, World Food Day is being celebrated across the globe. Rev. David Beckmann, the President of Bread for the World, recounts some important events with hunger and poverty. He relates that in 1980, 17 cents per $1 aid from developing nation is allocated for farmers living in poverty and for developing agriculture industry around the world. And twenty six years after that, the allocation has fallen to less than 4 cents. Another point that Rev. Beckmann stressed is the fast rising of the number of hungry people. His accounts show that there are over 1.02 billion people who are undernourished. Among the severely affected are children and women who are subsistence-level farmers who only depend on their small fields to feed their children.

This startling facts and agonizing situation among impoverished nations is the main concern of Rev. Beckmann’s Bread for the World Foundation. His first foreseeable solution is investing in agriculture especially in developing countries. He stresses that policies should be formulated to increase agricultural products, thus also increasing food security. It’s instability with foods and other agricultural crops that spurred riot among 30 nations. He also said that the report of FAO in State of Food Insecurity in 2009, should serve as a wake-up call to take a closer look with hunger and poverty. Another factor is the high-priced crop commodities like sorghum, wheat, corn and rice. And his offered solution is always being prepared to address price instability.

And perhaps another topic that can be of help in fighting hunger is educating the parents and the community as well with responsible parenting. Though the Church and the state have disagreements with it, it’s worth a try to educate and liberate the people.

While most of us worry about the meals to be prepared or maybe the lack of kitchen help like a Bosch mixer and other handy kitchen gadgets, take time to think of those who are suffering from hunger. And while you’re thinking about when is the next Bosch universal sale, also take time to ponder on how you can help even in littlest way. Say no to hunger!

For Tricia, the home is the best place to be.

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The 2007 Report on Parts for Agricultural Stalk Shredders and Cutters or Rotary Mowers

The 2007 Report on Parts for Agricultural Stalk Shredders and Cutters or Rotary Mowers (PTO): World Market Segmentation by City

This report was created for global strategic planners who cannot be content with traditional methods of segmenting world markets. With the advent of a “borderless world”, cities become a more important criteria in prioritizing markets, as opposed to regions, continents, or countries. This report covers the top 2000 cities in over 200 countries. It does so by reporting the estimated market size (in terms of latent demand) for each major city of the world. It then ranks these
Buy The 2007 Report on Parts for Agricultural Stalk Shredders and Cutters or Rotary Mowers at Amazon

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Replacement Blade for Bosch Rotak 43 Lawn Mower

Replacement Blade for Bosch Rotak 43 Lawn Mower

A sharp blade will cut the grass rather than rip the grass. Help your lawn to the best cut with a replacement blade

Buy Replacement Blade for Bosch Rotak 43 Lawn Mower at Amazon

2 comments - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 4:38 pm

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Is a Riding Mower or a Lawn Tractor the Right Choice For You?

If you have a large lawn that is getting too much to handle with a walk-behind mower you may be considering buying a lawn tractor or a riding mower. A lawn tractor may have various attachments available and can be used for hauling materials about your yard in addition to mowing your lawn. More expensive than riding mowers they have multiple uses. You should also be looking for mowing decks that are easily adjustable and have mulching capabilities.

Choosing the Type of Mower

Zero Turn Mowers

For a lawn that is more than 1/2 acre with multiple objects a zero turn mower would be a good choice. The time taken to mow your lawn can be cut in half with a zero turn mower as these mowers are more efficient. The excellent maneuverability allows you to easily mow around all size objects without having to back up and turn repeatedly. The rear wheels are used for both power and steering and operate independently so one wheel can reverse while the other wheel rotates forward allowing zero to 360 degree turns. In addition these mowers are fast, up to 6.5 mph so you can quickly cover a large lawn.

Riding Mowers

For a lawn of between 1/2 to 1 acre a riding mower will be ideal. They have few attachments as they are primarily built to do one thin wheel and that is to cut the lawn!

Lawn Tractors

With higher horsepower engines lawn tractors are better for larger lawns and rougher terrain. They also have a good range of optional attachments so if you want to use your mower as a snowblower, an aerator, a machine to move material around your yard you should choose a lawn tractor.

Garden Tractors

The toughest of these machines with the highest horsepower, garden tractors usually have two-cylinder engines and sturdy transmissions. For a very large garden or yard with rough terrain choose a garden tractor.

Factors to consider before you purchase a lawn tractor or riding mower

Size of Lawn

The first thing to take into account is the power of the engine and the cutting width and to ensure that these are suitable for the size of your lawn. Here are some general guidelines to help you choose. Be aware of the width between any obstacles as a larger deck may cut down the time to mow a large area but be unable to mow between obstacles.

1/2 to 1 acre lawn: You will need a mower with at least a 14 hp engine and a 42″ cutting width

1 to 2 acres lawn: A cutting width of between 42″ and 46″ with a 14 to 16hp engine should be adequate

3 Acres and above: For this size lawn area an engine size of between 18 and 24 hp and a 46″ to 54″ cutting deck would be the best buy


A wide range of attachments are available for lawn tractors including snowblowers, front blades, tractor shovel, electric spreaders, baggers etc. Check that attachments that you might need now or in the future are available for the model you are considering. Riding mowers generally have very few attachments but are cheaper to buy so if all you want to do is mow your lawn a riding mower would be the best buy.


Gear Driven or Automatic?

Consider the layout of the lawn area to be cut with your lawn tractor or riding mower. A gear driven mower will be better on open areas with few obstacles such as flower beds or bird baths. Choose an automatic transmission for areas that have obstacles so that you can easily vary the speed around the objects. Most of the lawn tractors with automatic transmission also have cruise control so you can set this in areas that are clearer.

Bagging, Mulching or Side Discharging

Many lawn mowers have the options to easily switch between mulching or side discharging. Most have optional bagging attachments.

Safety Concerns

The higher speed of lawn tractors and riding mowers leads to some concern for safety and operators should be aware of these factors before they use the machines.

Obstacles: Care must be taken with obstacles on the lawn as hitting a solid object will do severe damage to the machine at these speeds.

Scattering objects: Any small objects, for instance stones, twigs, household objects left on the lawn will be picked up by the mower and projected at high speed. Always ensure there are no people or pets in the area when operating the machines.

Noise: Some of these mowers can be very noisy. Wear ear protection if this applies to your model

Advantages and Disadvantages

Lawn Tractors

Advantages: Durable, built to last, attachments to do many other tasks

Disadvantages: Expensive, leaves uncut areas at the end of turns, needs a large storage area, difficult to take in for repairs

Zero Turn Mowers

Advantages: Fast, best for a lawn with many obstacles, no uncut areas at the end of turns, few attachments

Disadvantages: Expensive, needs a large storage area, difficult to take in for repairs, few attachments, some safety concerns due to the high speed.

Riding Mowers

Advantages: Cheaper than lawn tractors, reasonably fast, leaves uncut areas at the end of turns,few attachments

Disadvantages: Awkward to steer around obstacles and leaves uncut grass close to obstacles.

Read more and find some great deals in new and used lawnmowers and lawn Tractors at Toro Lawnmowers and Snowblowers or John Deere lawn Tractors and Snowblowers

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - January 12, 2010 at 4:26 pm

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