Posts Tagged ‘new lawn’

The First Thing Your Visitors Look At Is Your Gorgeous Lawn

Most people, who are living in their own house, take a lot of pride in looking after their home, both inside and out. The exterior landscaping is the first thing that visitors will see, which means you will want to have it looking the best it can. Additionally, you’ll have a feeling of happiness when you see your beautifully landscaped lawn. If you would like your lawn or garden looking its best, you will need the right tools and equipment for the job.

Many homeowners think that using dangerous chemicals and pesticides are critical for having a successful lawn or garden. That does not have to be the case, since you are able to use organic products on your lawn and garden, which will work on them without harming the environment. You will find quite a few harmful chemicals in the fertilizer for your grass, primarily phosphates and nitrates. It will require plenty of fertilizer to do the whole yard, in some cases, a couple of pounds, which will expose your family to some unnecessary problems. Significant health complications, like asthma and cancer can result. During rains, the chemicals become washed away and pollutes the water supply.


Using natural compost is really a better option than using fertilizers, especially if you can make your own. You can make your own compost simply by filling a compost container with old leaves, grass, food scraps and even pet droppings. It does not demand much effort once you set it up and you won’t create any health issues. The compost you create will likely be filled with nutrients. If you have a large yard, you will need to make a lot of compost. The quantity of compost you get isn’t going to be much because it shrinks as the elements first decompose. The lawn and other plants will grow really well in your nutrient-rich soil.

Having a healthy soil, the plants and grass will have healthier and longer roots. Having sturdy roots means there is less water for you to use consequently, you’ll have a lower water bill. Since several areas have constraints on water usage, you will need properly prepared soil, to get the best results from the water you are allowed. Even not having much water, you will still be ready to have a yard, full of green grass.

When you water in the early morning hours, you’re going to get the most effective benefits from the water, than almost every other time. Since there is less sunlight, there’ll be less evaporation and the water will have a chance to saturate into the soil. But don’t get it done at night since the water could potentially cause fungus to grow.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - September 19, 2011 at 2:30 pm

Categories: garden design, Garden Tools, Lawn Care   Tags: , , , ,

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