Posts Tagged ‘Cutting’

Grass Cutting Green Options

  The industry in general landscaping is a wonderful activity. They create beautiful landscapes, install trees, shrubs, plants and flowers. This reinforces our environment and beautify our homes. There are a number of things about the industry that is negating all the work they are doing right. Mowing the lawn is a big part of the company. Each day, 5 days a week they drive from home to home, get their gas on the lawn too hungry to start their Gas Powered Trimmers online and blowers. They spend probably no more than 30 minutes on average to a house. Then they are back in their vehicles and the house next door. This is an extreme amount of gas usage from machinery and vehicles and an extreme amount of pollution that destroy ozone. We can reduce the amount of pollution in our atmosphere, if we have time to even cut the grass, a non-polluting. There are more and more rechargeable mowers and trimmers to come on the market. Most of these rechargeable mowers will cut about 1 / 3 acre on a single charge. This will accommodate many home lawns. However, it still takes energy. There is an option that does nothing more than human energy. . . a rotary mower. These mowers have come a long way in recent years. They used to be heavy, difficult and often need sharpening. Rotary mowers of today are lightweight, ergonomic, and sharpening blades require little. These mowers are easy to use, less expensive than traditional gas mowers and powered lawn mowing services. Rotary mower price starts around $ 90. $ 00 and up to 300 million U.S. dollars. On models better bagging attachments are available. Rotary Mower Brill is the best I've encountered. The blades require sharpening once every ten years. An optional bagging is available for about $ 50. $ 00. They are light and easy action to cut smoothly, even through the thick grass. The way a rotary lawn mower cutting is also better for the lawn. It cuts the grass with scissors like motion, leaving a clean cut. A gas powered blade rotates at a high rate of speed traction on grass and cutting it. If the blade is not sharp, it tears the grass. You can tell if the blade is not marked by white edges on top of the grass-like split ends. Perhaps we as a nation would be a little healthier too, if we cut our own grass. So many people live lives of quiet now more than ever. By reducing our own lawn equipment with environmentally friendly, we will not only improve our planets health, but the improvement of our own good.

Vera Pappas writes articles about sustainable outdoor living and is co-owner of Green Nation Gardens which hosts sustainable outdoor living products.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - November 12, 2009 at 5:25 pm

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