Being Successful With Container Gardening

A revolutionary strategy for planting your own flowers, plants or even produce is container gardening and you can do this whether you live in a tiny apartment or on spacious property. Your containers can be large or small, and it is your choice what you want to grow. What follows are a few essential points that will enable you to have a healthy container garden.

As with any kind of garden, you have to make sure the plants in your container garden are getting enough water. A garden like this, which is not in the actual ground, needs to have more water than normal. Most container gardens do well inside or outside, however it is the lack of water that is usually the primary factor for those that do not make it. Plants in a container are limited in that their roots can’t reach down and find water that’s beneath the surface.


The plants, because they are in a container, rely upon you to give them adequate water. The amount of water you have to give them will depend on the particular plants and time of year, but you have to look at them daily to assess moisture levels. Planting your herbs in a contain garden is the ideal way to go. Many herbs can grow in a small space, and these are often hearty plants that will grow year round. Basil is one of the most popular herbs that can easily be grown in containers, and it is a spice that many people like. You can also grow many other herbs, such as rosemary, sage and various types of mint. One thing to be aware of with herbs is that you may want to keep them in separate containers to maintain their distinct flavors. You can grow herb container gardens inside or outside and you will see the convenience of having delicious herbs to pick out of your garden and use for your cooking.

You have to consider the lighting of your container garden, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. Daily sunlight will give your plants ultimate growing potential. When you are not able to give your plants the necessary light via the sun; it will be necessary to provide it in some other way. You can find grow lights that will help by generating heat much like the heat generated by the sun. When your plants are not exposed to direct sunlight; you can use these to compensate for the loss. If nothing else, you can simply have a 150 watt light bulb over the plants for a little additional heat.

Wherever you decide to put your container garden, consider the type of plants that you use before putting the seeds in the soil. The internal temperature of your residence, because it is adjustable, as well as the humidity, can accommodate exotic plants from different parts of the world. The benefits of doing container gardening are too numerous to list in this article, yet you will find most of them by doing this type of gardening yourself.