Natural Lawn Care – Tips to a beautiful looking lawn

Getting a beautiful looking lawn is important to many people, but in today’s green world, it is important to also be kind to the environment. And looking after your lawn in a natural way is easier than you think.

The key to getting a lovely, lush lawn is the soil. You need to ensure that your lawns pH balance is right. For best results your lawn’s pH needs to be between 6.5 and 7. This is slightly acidic. If your lawn is too acidic, it needs a slight coating of lime and if it needs more acidity you can get some sulphur to aid you with this. All of these are natural and so you are not damaging the environment.

To test your lawn to see what pH balance it is you can either buy a pH tester from your local gardening centre or you can have it done professionally.

Aerate your lawn before you add any fertilizer. Using an ordinary garden fork and ensuring that the holes are around ten centimetres deep will help prevent compacting and also with the drainage, helping to maintain your lawn’s pH level.

Ensure your grass is suitable for your area. Locally adapted grass will be much more able to withstand the type of climate you live in. Using different types of grass, regardless of how much greener they are or thicker, will not benefit your lawn or the environment.

Mowing is best done frequently. Around once a week should be right throughout the summer. For natural lawn care however, don’t mow too short. If you do mow too close to the ground, the soil can become dried out and the roots exposed, damaging all the hard work you have put into your lawn. Most grass is happiest and healthiest when between 2.5 and 3.5 inches tall. Now if you are used t o cutting shorter and this is the first time that you are trying to look after your lawn naturally, it may be a shock to have it quite so long, but remember, you are doing your lawn and your environment a favour.

Watering is best done infrequently, but deeply. By drenching your lawn in this manner, you will help to develop stronger roots, making the grass much tougher and able to withstand droughts.

When wondering if it is time to re water, look at the grass. If it is duller and footprints stay compressed for a short while, then you can water once more. You should also aim to give your grass around one inch of water each time you are re-hydrating the grass.

As with any lawn care, the best time to water is first thing in the morning or last thing at night. This helps prevent evaporation.

If you follow these tips, you will have no need to add pesticides to your lawn that can kill many beautiful insects that actually help your garden to thrive, and to top it off your lawn will be lush, green and the envy of your neighbours.

From the Best Electric Lawnmower website