5 Quick Tips for a Better Lawn

Do not get me wrong, maintaining a high quality lawn does take some effort, but with some simple tips on mowing you can have a lawn that will make your neighbors jealous. First, never mow your lawn when it is wet. A wet lawn can allow the clippings to clump together more easily. This clump of grass can smother the grass beneath him leaving earth, dead or create a place where weeds can take root. Wait a day or two after a rainstorm and avoid mowing right after you've watered the lawn. Tip number two is to never cut more than one third (1 / 3) of the height of your lawn at any time. Most lawns are well maintained at 2 to 3 inches in height, they must be mowed before they reach 4 to 4 1 / 2 inches tall. How often that happens depends on your climate of course. The reasoning behind the cut never more than 1 / 3 the height of your lawn at a time is to avoid stressing the grass. The third rule of mowing is to keep you mower blades sharp grass. Most people use a standard gas rotary mower which cuts grass like a machete. The sharpest blades, more even cut. A dull blade will tear the grass rather than cut, which can lead to brown tips to the tip of the blade of grass. Sharpening lawn mower blade is a maintenance task that can easily be done with a grinder (even a Dremmel work), or you can have it done by a professional for about $ 20. Forth, do not mow in the same direction each time. Many people develop a habit when mowing the lawn and mow it the same way every time. This causes the grass to develop a "grain" like a piece of wood because the grass growing on the wide side does not make you cut as evenly as the grass grows up. It is best to mow at a right angle with the direction the grass was last cut. For example, if you mow your lawn from east to west, the last time, try to mow from north to south this time. Finally, do not bag your clippings. Grass clippings are an easy way to return nutrients to the soil and reduce the need for artificial fertilizers. If you mow your lawn before the grass is too tall, you will not see the cuts anyway. That and the fact that it is less work to ignore the fact that cuttings of the winning idea! So now you have five easy tips that do not add extra work for the week and perhaps decreased your workload if you've been bagging your clippings. They will not make your yard look as good as golf courses, but they help ensure that your lawn stays green and lush with no extra maintenance on your part.

About the author: Matt is a lawn care professional who enjoys helping others create the perfect lawn. For more tips on beautifying your yard, visit http://www.mattslawns.info and get the free guide “Top 7 Lawn Care Secrets”.