garden design

Choosing Plants for your Garden

If you’re growing a vegetable garden, the first year is always the problem. If you have very acidic soil, some plants won’t grow well while others will thrive. You might end up with tomatoes that line your counters and cover every surface in your house. In that case, you’ll want to buy a pressure cooker and some canning jars. Canning is a great way you can cause your garden to be very fruitful all-year-round. When choosing plants for your garden, tomatoes are always a good choice. You can make them into sauces, chop them up and can them or eat them raw. If you plant a variety of different tomatoes, they will have give you more variety. Try planting Roma in one row, cherry tomatoes in another and regular tomatoes in another.

Tomatoes should always work well for you no matter what soil you have. In the case of tomatoes, however, you should never try planning tomatoes from seeds. Some do, but it’s far more beneficial if you purchase ‘flats’ of tomatoes. That means that they’ve been grown until they’re about three-inches tall. Then, you transplant those tomato plants to the garden. Insects love tomato plants, though. Cutworms are a problem, so if you’re in an area of the country which has them, you’ll have to put something as a wall which keeps the worms from eating the plants. If you cut both ends off a tin can, then you can push that can into the soil, then transplant the tomato plant in the middle of the can. The depth of the can beneath the soil is the main thing.

The Black cutworm and the variegated cutworm are the two most common species which damage your garden. Since they feed at night, they generally won’t be noticed in the daylight. Other plants which can be damaged by cutworms are celery, onions, pepper plants, eggplant, rutabaga, carrots, sweet corn and several others such as beans. If your plants are lying on their side in the morning, you’re having problems with cutworms; but even if they aren’t, cutworms might be the culprit. They go down about 5 cm in the ground, or 2 inches. Thus, your tin can or waxed milk carton should go about 3 inches down.

Other vegetables which give good yield are peppers. Again, plant many different varities of peppers such as many different types of Chile peppers as well as typical green peppers. Peppers can also get attacked by insects, so make sure you put a protecting can which encircles their stem as well. They start out as a little green bud, then grow bigger. Insects go for the leaves rather than the peppers themselves, but since peppers can be harvested the whole summer, you’ll want the plant to thrive without dying.

Corn is always a difficult one to raise. You can try them, but realize that every one of those little strands that go down the inside of a corn husk is how each kernel gets pollinated. If a kernel isn’t pollinated, then your corn will have large sections on the cob where it will be bare. Also, many different insects like corn, it being so sweet to eat. Try corn in one row, at first, then if it does well, expand. The thing is, when choosing plants for your garden, experiment. The first year is always the hardest.

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